my first reaction when reading of the event was that this just goes to show how pernicious and autonomous self-replicating malware truly is... that notion (that viruses/worms are somehow worse or more autonomous than other forms of malware) has been scoffed at in the past but viruses in space stand as a testament to their ability to get into places no one intended or would have imagined... no other form of malware besides self-replicators would have been able to find new victims in that sort of environment...
another thing we can learn from this is to stop clinging to the fantasy that the only kind of malware we need to worry about anymore is the new stuff, that old-style viruses and worms aren't worth worrying about anymore... this wasn't brand new malware, it wasn't state of the art, and it wasn't something researchers on the bleeding edge would have taken notice of even when it was new... the malware threat landscape isn't composed exclusively of novelties, there's a heck of a lot of banality out there as well...
yet another lesson is that can be learned is that for all the whining about how AV is failing, at least some of the evidence used to support that argument (in other words, some of the failures) is actually a result of not using AV in the first place, not keeping it up to date, or not following the various other best practices for AV...
actually using an AV program is the first thing the astronauts and/or NASA could have done differently... while i'm sure there are plenty of arguments for why one might not want an anti-virus program on them, such as highly critical real-time processing of experimental data, these were laptops running windows and so were already unsuitable for real-time processing ('what do you mean the OS must have been busy don't something else during that time period?')... i assume someone up there must have had AV or else we wouldn't have a name for the malware...
failing that, they could have used some other sort of anti-malware technology like application whitelisting... in fact, considering the environment that might even be a more appropriate approach since it's unlikely that astronauts need to introduce new software to those machines very often... that is unless part of their job requires them to rewrite or apply patches to software being used in the experiments to collect/analyze data... come to think of it, that might actually be the case - it's not like the folks designing the experimental payloads have a lot of chances to test and debug their software under real-world conditions when the real-world in question is actually out of this world...
the astronauts could have operated the machines under non-administrative accounts - actually there isn't really anything to suggest they didn't, nor is there anything specific to an autorun worm's replication technique that should require administrative access... despite a previous post i made highlighting the ways in which least privilege can fail to stop malware, it still is fairly effective against a lot of existing malware...
they could have disabled autorun on those machines - in fact, they probably still should disable it... autorun is purely a convenience feature for the technologically inept; hopefully that's not the sort of folks NASA is sending into space (then again, they did get infected by somewhat old malware)...
finally, they could have used something other than windows machines... although technically not immune to malware, macs and linux machines have a far smaller pool of threat agents to worry about and the lower population density means that they are less connected to other similar endpoints that could pass on something they'd be susceptible to... of course, once again this is likely subject to what the machines are being used for - if they're running or monitoring experiments with them then they may be stuck with whatever the people who designed those experiments wrote their software for (and considering the cost of doing anything in space, cutting corners on the ground and using cheap windows developers is pretty likely)...
according to NASA this is not the first time they've had a virus infection in space... let's hope they also look at these sorts of events as learning experiences and figure out how to do things better in future...
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